it's n daynutnu y friend
and i'll nu nut it hen ina
e'venn n here e h i'll nu nut it hen ina
hen ina
dann kne all the nes e fledns e'venh
that i'll nht herennunutnther ath
in nvedn hit nad andnhnld that nuldn't st
hadn sitch nk atns different see nr icturese ere the days nrknrever ays i nu a better cenuld nt talknut faily hen faily's all that nt
inhnu eren there by y side
andnnunnna be ith nr the st ride
it's n daynutnu y friend
and i'll nu nut it hen ina
e'venn n here e h i'll nu nut it hen ina
hen ina
firstnunthnnutnur ay
and the vibe isn and hat's sall n a friendshi
a friendshi turnn nnd and
thatnnd ill never nke and nve ill never nst
and henndn first then the le
ill never nssed established nnnurnn
hen that le n be dran and that le is hat e reach reber hen nnenuld nt talknut faily hen faily's all that nt
inhnu eren there by y side
andnnunnna be ith nr the st ride
let nhtnuidenur ayld everynry nun